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Cydney Barrus ['18]

When fine arts major Cydney Barrus was presented with an unexpected opportunity last semester, she didn’t hesitate to take action. As one who knows the importance of campus and community involvement, she’s always ready to embrace a new challenge. Throughout her time at Northwest College, Barrus has become an integral part of campus, serving as an Admissions Trailblazer, Phi Theta Kappa Recording Officer and President of Fellowship, as well as President and Treasurer of the Art Club. But, when she manages to find free time outside of the studio, she enjoys volunteering, Gestalt Studio’s open jam sessions, bike riding, people watching, camping and drawing. How did you learn about the opportunity to study in Utah? In August 2017 another NWC student and I made a special trip to Utah to participate in a two-day charcoal drawing workshop that Casey Childs (artist and NWC’s 2018 Distinguished Alumnus) offered. I fully intended on returning to Utah for more of his workshops, but Casey un...

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